Favourable Movement

Pst Abraham Chimnadindu Text: Psalms 44:3; John 4:38; Jeremiah 14:12 When God is moving ahead of you, sometimes you win battle's and have harvest without lifting a finger. Others will labour and you'll reap their fruit, that's what favour does to a man. What is a favourable Movement? - It means to do something, that is to your advantage - It is to engage in a venture that is beneficial - It is to enter a project that is promising for you - It is to Express approval over you from people you know and do not know When God makes a favourable Move on your behalf - You'll receive bountiful harvest from where you have bestowed no labour. When God makes a favourable Move on your behalf He gives you result in your favour before any Challenge and obstacles you face When God makes a favourable Move on your behalf He brings promotion and facilitates your image, your image cannot be at stake. When God makes a favourable Move on your behalf He marks you for success in whatever yo...