Favourable Movement

 Pst Abraham Chimnadindu

Text: Psalms 44:3; John 4:38; Jeremiah 14:12

When God is moving ahead of you, sometimes you win battle's and have harvest without lifting a finger.

Others will labour and you'll reap their fruit, that's what favour does to a man.

What is a favourable Movement?

- It means to do something, that is to your advantage

- It is to engage in a venture that is beneficial

- It is to enter a project that is promising for you

- It is to Express approval over you from people you know and do not know

When God makes a favourable Move on your behalf 


- You'll receive bountiful harvest from where you have bestowed no labour.

When God makes a favourable Move on your behalf


He gives you result in your favour before any Challenge and obstacles you face 

When God makes a favourable Move on your behalf


He brings promotion and facilitates your image, your image cannot be at stake.

When God makes a favourable Move on your behalf

Marks you for success

He marks you for success in whatever you engage in 

When God makes a favourable Move on your behalf

He makes all things in and around you to work in your advantage, giving you advantage and chance to succeed.

When God gives you an advantage, he will give you extra advantage (chances) to succeed.

Favour is acceptance

When favour doesn't go ahead of you:

Jeremiah 14:12

1. Your prayers may not be answered without favour

2. You offer sacrifices and offering in vain

3. When a man is not in favor, you face death

4. when favour is not in your life you face famine and poverty

5. Plague that destroy others will visit you

*Keys that can activate Favourable Movements:*

1. Living in Holiness, righteousnes and peace with all men

heb. 12:14

2. Prayer with a pure heart 

Mathew 5:8

3. Sacrifice and good offering Gen 4:4-5

God can move for a man because of sacrifice

From now till December every move you make will be favourable unto you.

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