SIMPLE SUCCESS SECRET Success in life is beyond acquisition Of material wealth, it is beyond buying a car and building houses, it's beyond having great academic prowess and attainments. As good as these things are, if a man has them but have no inner peace, he can't be happy. Success is not the absence of trouble but rather ability to have happiness and peace of mind in the midst of the storms and challenges. Building a good house is good but It's not how big the house is, it's how happy the home is. SOME SIMPLE KEYS TO SUCCESS Never live your life in competition, those who live their lives competing with people always run in trouble, they are always under unnecessary pressure and they can hardly make reasonable progress. This can sap your happiness. Never live your life comparing yourself with other persons, this is the bedrock of limitations and of course failure, we are all unique in our special way. Comparison is a peace taker Never you be t...